'A Corvette could never be mistaken for a Buick Skylark': Woman books Delta flight. Then she discovers an unusual glitch when she goes to pick a seat 'As a Delta flight attendant, I applaud you for this.' dailydot.com dailydot.com / feeds dailydot-com / / #entertainment / / 1 day 1d Share
'My own employee SCAMMED me': Dealership manager catches his own Mitsubishi salesman in shocking $80,000 move. Don't let it happen to you A car dealership manager was stunned at a new hire's brazen attempts to allegedly scam him out of $80,000. dailydot.com dailydot.com / feeds dailydot-com / / #entertainment / / 1 day 1d Share
Trump's new sovereign wealth fund could buy TikTok, vaccine makers Critics said neither the Chinese nor the US government should own the social media app. theblaze.com theblaze.com / feeds theblaze-com / / #politics / / 1 day 1d Share
'We consume over 9 billion chickens a year': Farmer says we're being misled about egg prices. Then he reveals the real reason they're so expensive A chicken farmer breaks down why egg consumers are being taken advantage of by manufacturers under the guise of a bird flu outbreak. dailydot.com dailydot.com / feeds dailydot-com / / #entertainment / / 1 day 1d Share
'I make more in one hour on TikTok than a day in the shop' Laura Mallows sells most of her products via TikTok but "dreams" of opening a physical shop once more. bbc.com bbc.com / feeds bbc-com-news-uk / / #news / / 1 day 1d Share
Mom has comical response to commenters who complained she was too old for her outfit choices She made the cardinal offense of being 37 and daring to not dress like a grandma. upworthy.com upworthy.com / feeds upworthy-com / / #entertainment / / 1 day 1d Share
'I am the manager': Man orders from Wendy's. Then he finds out what happens after asking for 'hot' food In a viral clip, a Wendy's customer catches what happens when you request hot food at the fast-food joint. dailydot.com dailydot.com / feeds dailydot-com / / #entertainment / / 1 day 1d Share
I'm a cardiologist -- 5 of the biggest healthcare lies on TikTok, ignore the quacks Cardiologist Dr. Evan Levine has shared a video on TikTok dispelling some popular "quack" advice on statins, olive oil, high blood pressure, the Allen test and Celtic sea salt. nypost.com nypost.com / feeds nypost-com / / #news / / 1 day 1d Share
"Republican Makeup" Is The Latest Shady Trend Taking Over TikTok, And It's Just As Orange As You'd Expect "The perfect tutorial for the high school mean girl to nurse pipeline." buzzfeed.com buzzfeed.com / feeds buzzfeed-com / / #lifestyle / / 1 day 1d Share
'Toasted it': BMW hits palm leaf. The mechanic can't believe the damage In a viral TikTok video, a mechanic shares his shock at the damage done to a BMW after hitting a palm leaf. dailydot.com dailydot.com / feeds dailydot-com / / #entertainment / / 1 day 1d Share