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Getting Started with NewsReadery

A quick guide to help you get started using NewsReadery to its full potential.

About NewsReadery

NewsReadery is a powerful content search engine and reader offering several filter and layout options in a clean and simple user experience.

Searches in NewsReadery are content-focused, not meta-focused (ex: Google Search), so content matching is more accurate with a focus on providing recently published content first.

While other content readers charge you a monthly subscription fee or clutter up your screen with distracting and annoying advertisements, NewsReadery provides everyone with FREE access to its search engine and content reader!

Common Terms

To better understand NewsReadery, you need to learn the terminology used in it. Commonly used words and their meanings are listed below.


Newsitem (noun) -- A single content item indexed by NewsReadery such as an article, video, podcast, etc.



Newsgroup (noun) -- A group of newsitems (content) associated by topic or generated from a specific source or feed.


#technology -- all newsitems (content) associated with the "technology" topic. -- all newsitems (content) indexed from the "" source.

.espn-com-nfl -- all newsitems (content) indexed from the "espn-com-nfl" feed.


Newslist (noun) -- A manual list-based feed of two or more newsgroups that can be viewed, shared or followed.


Newslist includes  .. source  +  python topic  + source  +  engadget-com-reviews feed.


Newsfeed (noun) -- A personalized content feed for each user based on the newsgroups they follow and content they filter.

Searching NewsReadery

NewsReadery provides a versatile search engine for searching content as well as filters for refining search results.

It is important to note that order of search terms does not matter.

Note:  String examples show with "*" at the end because they will wildcard match any characters from that point forward.

Search by Topic

Example:  #technology

Includes results associated with "technology" topic

Search by Source


Includes results from "" source

Search by Feed

Example:  .espn-com-nfl

Includes results from "espn-com-nfl" feed

Search by String

Note:  Strings match using wildcards at the end of strings and also ignore non-alphanumeric characters.

Example:  search engine

Includes results that contain (string) "search*" AND (string) "engine*" (would match "searches" and "engines")

Example:  searchengine

Includes results that contain (string) "searchengine*" OR (string) "search engine*" (would match "searchengines" or "search engines")

Search by Word

Note:  Words match using exact matches only and do not include plural or tense variations.

Example:  _search _engine

Includes results that contain (word) "search" AND (word) "engine" exactly (would not match "searches" or "engines")

Search with Exclusions

Example:  searchengine -google

Includes results that contain (string) "searchengine*" or (string) "search engine*" and do not contain (string) "google*"

Example:  _search engine -_google

Includes results that contain (word) "search" and (string) "engine*" and do not contain (word) "google"

Example:  #technology -google

Includes results associated with (topic) "technology" that are not from (source) "" that do not contain (string) "google*"

Search with Combinations

Example:  #technology _search engine -google

Includes results from (source) "" associated with (topic) "technology" that contain (word) "search" and (string) "engine*" and do not contain (string) "google*"
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