Explainer: what will the withdrawal of USAid mean for the Pacific? Analyst says while USAid supports hundreds of jobs, the most significant damage from Donald Trump's cuts will be to US relations with the Pacific ... theguardian.com theguardian.com / feeds theguardian-com-us / / #news / / 5 days 5d Share
Kiribati defends Winston Peters snub, but Peters isn't buying it Win ... nzherald.co.nz nzherald.co.nz / feeds nzherald-co-nz-news / / #news / / 25 days 25d Share
New Zealand to review aid to Kiribati after the Pacific Island nation snubs an official's visit New Zealand's government is reviewing its aid to Kiribati after the Pacific island nation's leader snubbed a planned meeting with New Zealand's foreign minister ... $$ independent.co.uk independent.co.uk / feeds independent-co-uk-news / / #news / / 25 days 25d Share