Entire atoms have been put through a classic quantum experiment for the first time and the breakthrough could lead to better detectors for picking up the gravitational waves that ripple across the universe ...
Several start-ups are preparing to launch new foods made without plants, animals or soil, claiming that their products have a lower environmental impact ...
Following successful early demonstrations of linking two quantum computing chips, IBM is aiming to break records for the largest quantum computer yet by combining many of them in parallel ...
Hartmut Neven, who leads Google's Quantum AI lab, wants to entangle our brains with quantum processors to test the idea that consciousness involves quantum phenomena ...
Textile fragments found in a 2800-year-old grave in the Netherlands were once part of a woven dress with a red and blue checked pattern, molecular analysis has revealed ...
The international community seems no closer to an agreement on a code for deep-sea mining in international waters and the impasse may lead to countries acting unilaterally ...
A study in pigs has shown that the active ingredient in Ozempic and Wegovy directly boosts heart health, in addition to the benefits of losing weight ...
An AI model that understands the interplay between human body language, speech and emotion enables digital avatars to move more realistically when speaking ...
By the end of the century, most of the US outside the high mountains may never see deep snow cover the ground, with consequences for water storage as well as for the life on and beneath the snow ...
There is growing interest in exploring ways to counteract global warming by intervening in the atmosphere and the oceans, but planned trials are highly controversial ...