What would your show dog name be? Take our quiz to find out At the National Dog Show dogs must meet strict breed standards to get their shot at stardom. But when it comes to names, anything goes. $$ washingtonpost.com washingtonpost.com / feeds washingtonpost-com-lifestyle / / #lifestyle / / 12 days 12d Share
Research shows why you should always pet your dog before leaving the house All it takes is a little TLC. upworthy.com upworthy.com / feeds upworthy-com / / #entertainment / / 13 days 13d Share
Dog mom shares a funny video of the 'chores' her pitbull pup thinks she's doing "We didn't want a freeloader." upworthy.com upworthy.com / feeds upworthy-com / / #entertainment / / 13 days 13d Share
Deaf dog learns sign language in hopes of finally getting a new home His previous owner died three months ago, and since then Reggie has been in kennels. metro.co.uk metro.co.uk / feeds metro-co-uk .. metro-co-uk-news .. metro-co-uk-news-uk / / #news / / 14 days 14d Share
Westminster 2025 Preview: Why Can't Golden Retrievers Win Best in Show? They are among the most popular dogs in the United States, but at the biggest dog show in the world, they are never (never!) best in show. $$ nytimes.com nytimes.com / feeds nytimes-com / / #news / / 14 days 14d Share
How Much does a Dog's Breed Affect Its Health and Behavior? Here's what scientists have learned about how a dog's breed affects its health and behavior. $$ nytimes.com nytimes.com / feeds nytimes-com-science .. nytimes-com / / #science / / 14 days 14d Share
'This is so scary': Trader Joe's shopper issues warning for anyone who buys bully sticks for their dogs 'PSA if you're a dog mom!!!' dailydot.com dailydot.com / feeds dailydot-com / / #entertainment / / 14 days 14d Share
Norfolk couple reunited with their dog stolen seven years ago Rita and Philip Potter 'never gave up hope' after their labrador Daisy was stolen by suspected backyard breeders ... theguardian.com theguardian.com / feeds theguardian-com-us .. theguardian-com-world / / #news / / 15 days 15d Share
Can bad smells harm you? So can I eat my noodles if a dog pooped nearby? For the most part, nasty smells are "CAUTION" signs, not the cause of harm. popsci.com popsci.com / feeds popsci-com / / #science / / 15 days 15d Share
24 Of The Funniest Posts About Cats And Dogs This Week (Feb. 1-7) "Whenever I find my dog's water bowl empty I'm convinced CPS is about to knock down the door." huffpost.com huffpost.com / feeds huffpost-com-entertainment .. huffpost-com-comedy / / #entertainment / / 15 days 15d Share