Giorgia Meloni says she is under invesigation for repatriation of Libyan warlord Italy caused controversy over release of Osama Najim, who is wanted by the ICC for alleged war crimes ... / feeds theguardian-com-world .. theguardian-com-us / / #news / / 25 days 25d Share
Giorgia Meloni Investigated for Italy's Release of Libyan Wanted for War Crimes The Italian prime minister announced the investigation herself over social media, calling it "blackmail." $$ / feeds nytimes-com-world / / #news / / 25 days 25d Share
Italy's Meloni says she is being investigated over release of Libya suspect Italian PM Giorgia Meloni says she is suspected of aiding and abetting a crime and embezzlement. / feeds aljazeera-com / / #news / / 25 days 25d Share
Meloni under investigation by Rome prosecutors over release of Libyan warlord Italian prime minister says prosecutors are probing her government's decision to return Osama Elmasry Njeem to Libya ... $$ / feeds ft-com .. ft-com-news / / #money / / 25 days 25d Share
Italy sends 49 refugees to Albania in bid to resume disputed scheme Latest push to process migrants in Balkan country despite court challenge comes amid increase in boat arrivals ... / feeds theguardian-com-us .. theguardian-com-world / / #news / / 25 days 25d Share
The parallels between Libya's revolution and Syria's are stark. But they need not be prophetic A former Libyan foreign minister says stability and support are needed to avoid the chaos that engulfed her country after the fall of Gaddafi ... / feeds theguardian-com-us / / #news / / 25 days 25d Share
Refugee's justice hopes 'crushed' after Italy releases Libya war crimes suspect David Yambio says Rome 'has blood on its hands' after freeing police chief he alleges beat him in Tripoli prison ... / feeds theguardian-com-world / / #news / / 26 days 26d Share
After his executive order on sex, is Trump legally the first female president? The confusing and vague executive order underscores how complex sex is and why it's hard to reduce it into a neat binary ... / feeds theguardian-com-us .. theguardian-com-us-news-us-politics .. theguardian-com-us-opinion .. theguardian-com-lifeandstyle-family .. theguardian-com-lifeandstyle-love-and-sex / / #news / / 28 days 28d Share
Italy Arrested a Libyan Wanted for Crimes Against Humanity. Then It Sent Him Home The government attributed the release to procedural reasons. But critics say it is because Italy depends on Libya to stem the flow of migrants from Africa. $$ / feeds nytimes-com-world .. nytimes-com / / #news / / 29 days 29d Share
Italy says Libya war crimes suspect was sent home due to 'social dangerousness' General Osama Najim was released on a technicality and repatriated by Italy without any prior consultation, says international criminal court ... / feeds theguardian-com-world .. theguardian-com-us / / #news / / 29 days 29d Share