'People wanted change': Scranton felt the pinch - but are Trump tariffs the answer? Voters in Biden's home town turned to Trump to lower prices, but some are wary of the president's economic plans ... theguardian.com theguardian.com / feeds theguardian-com-world .. theguardian-com-us-news-us-politics .. theguardian-com-us .. theguardian-com-us-business / / #news / / 20 days 20d Share
I got an IUD for birth control. but was horrified to receive a $14,000 bill Callie Anderson, 25, from Scranton, Pennsylvania, got an IUD inserted last March, and then received a bill in the mail for $14,658. dailymail.co.uk dailymail.co.uk / feeds dailymail-co-uk-femail / / #entertainment / / 21 days 21d Share