The weekly progress report from MMOARPG Corepunk is out, and once again it's mainly about Prison Island and Tier 3 artifacts, as well as progress on the game's next hero archetype. First off, both Prison Island and the Defender class are in what ...
Last week, Corepunk talked up a patch that would make some character progression adjustments that focused primarily on Tier 3 artifacts granting additional points to passive talents, effectively giving players the ability to upgrade favored passives ...
Beefing up character stats and abilities is the name of the game in MMOARPGs like Corepunk, but later this week a new layer is going to be added to that progression parfait when new talent upgrade features arrive later this week. When the update goes ...
Have you ever felt as if your real opponents in a dungeon were the other players, potentially rolling for the drops you wanted when you killed monsters? Well, Corepunk is planning for its new extraction dungeon "Prison Island" in which players can ...