Catch up on the latest tabletop gaming news, including Elon Musk's feud with Wizards of the Coast, Steve Jackson Games' charitable donation, a unique 5e bestiary project, a tribute to Amber Cook, and the rise of BlueSky's RPG community.
The game suits 1 to 8 players, doesn't need a GM, uses strategic decision-making and fuses it with storytelling to create and modify the world's first Orcs to win a war.
If you're a fan of Telltale Games - or have always wanted to try their unique blend of storytelling and gameplay - Humble has got a fabulous deal for you, which includes eight Telltale Games titles.
Cole says "I can say that Mission X will happen, and the TFT, DFRPG, and possibly some sort of D&D version of the two manuscripts from David I have on my desk will eventually see print."
Dolmenwood is a dark fairy tale that includes full rules using a slightly modified version of Old-School Essentials in a faerie woodland setting both fantastic and terrifying. PDFs of these books are available now with print copies likely available . ...
D&D's latest Dungeon Master's Guide has arrived, but Hasbro faces a lawsuit from investors. Meanwhile, Wizards of the Coast seeks new talent for original content, and Geek Native conducts an unusual interview.