The Ring of Mendeln and Minion interactions are still bugged in Patch 2.1.2 despite planned fixes, but Blizzard has announced they are working on potential fixes for this Season 7 issue in Diablo 4.
Blizzard has released their latest short story, "The Tipping Point," in PDF format. The story, narrated by Mathias Shaw, follows Renzik the Shiv before he joined the SI:7 in Stormwind when he was the bloody fist of the Krackslagger Cartel.
Greetings Mechwarriors! We have a new Event Queue schedule built around the new conquest game settings! Modifications Conquest has had it's rules modified for this special Event In ...
Blizzard has pushed a hotfix for Season of Discovery, which provides a small, yet convenient change to the set bonus granted by all of the Undead Slaying sets.