A Greek soup called avgolemono gets its name from the egg-lemon mixture that is used to thicken the broth. Some versions are simply broth that's thickened and seasoned.
ROMA (AP) -- El papa Francisco nombró el lunes a la primera mujer en dirigir una importante oficina del Vaticano, nombrando a una monja italiana, la hermana Simona Brambilla, prefecta del departamento responsable de todas las órdenes religiosas de ...
Donald Trump's return to power has thrown into question the future of the more than 1,500 federal cases brought over the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol four years ago.
QUNEITRA, Siria (AP) -- Una carretera principal de la capital provincial de Quneitra, en el sur de Siria, fue bloqueada con cúmulos de tierra, palmeras caídas y un poste metálico que parecía haber sido un semáforo.
President Joe Biden is moving to ban new offshore oil and gas drilling in most U.S. coastal waters, a last-minute effort to block possible action by the incoming Trump administration to expand offshore drilling.