Rollacrit's Messenger Bag of Holding features "every day carry" levels of quality, durability, and usefulness. Join Andy as he tells you why this might be the bag for you.
Calling all nature photographers--not those who photograph nature, but those in nature who photograph themselves. Bob sat down recently with Loco Momo from BLAM! and Wonderful World Board Games.
Justin is a self-admitted fanboy of the Osprey Games catalog. Find out what he thinks of the new skirmish game Battalion: War of the Ancients, designed by Paolo Mori and Francesco Sirocchi!
Justin loves designs from Friedemann Friese, and he loves trick-taking games. Find out what he thinks about Friese's latest design-the trick-taking/deckbuilding hybrid Fishing, published by 2-F Spiele!
Grab your umbrella and learn about the far-reaching impact of Gorum's demise and The Godsrain in Paizo's War of Immortals for Pathfinder Second Edition.