Everything you need to know for shopping Boxing Day 2024 like a pro, including the best brands offering end-of-year sales and the corresponding promo codes that score you the deep deals.
The month of Capricorn is a time in which we can connect with others on a deep level and work through issues (if they exist) to cultivate long-lasting and meaningful relationships.
As we move forward, let's embrace the spiritual truth of 2025: The more we align with our purpose and give to others, the more we'll find ourselves receiving in return.
In our series Power Faces, we'll explore the relationship between strong women and the makeup they choose to wear -- or not. Our latest subject is beauty content creator and rising social media star Ndeye Peinda.
This year, though, felt like a turning point -- perhaps a leveling -- in the ways these artists use clothing to create a lasting impression on the public. Some pushed further into mega-stardom with their era-specific stage moments, as fashion and ...
No more superficiality or leaning on societal standards of what's "hot or not." In 2025, the cosmos is asking us to get real about what actually turns us on -- not just in others but in ourselves.