Welcome back to a roundup of MMOs and MMO-adjacent games you've (very likely) never heard of. If you have, then pat yourself on the back and feel extremely smug as you read on! Luckcatchers 2 Tragic jokes about Luckcatchers 2 not being able to catch ...
Redeem these new Attack on Titan Revolution codes to get free spins, emperor keys, crates, tokens, potions, gold and luck potions. Updated for Halloween.
By now, you're more than likely aware of the Nintendo Music app. The app, which was randomly announced on social media around Halloween of last year, is a new method for fans to be able to listen to ...
While never mentioned alongside 'The Thing' and 'Halloween,' another Carpenter horror flick is just as important for understanding the ideas that motivate him.
In this Halloween season, it's clear what costume former President Donald Trump has donned. He is frightening millions in his getup as a fascist. What makes him so scary is not just his white shirt, blue suit, orange hairdo and floppy red tie -- it's ...