The film "All We Imagine As Light" is an Indian film that has won rare international acclaim from Cannes and the Golden Globes. But at home in India the international buzz was ignored and it was passed over as India's entry for the Oscars. Our ...
Every year, the National Film Registry picks 25 movies to be preserved for posterity by the Library of Congress. This year's crop also includes Beverly Hills Cop, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and more.
The internationally acclaimed Indian film All We Imagine As Light explores the lives of working women in Mumbai. But in India, it's seen as not Indian enough for the Oscars.
For better or -- mostly -- worse, Hollywood has helped shape the public's image of the health insurance industry in films ranging from John Grisham's The Rainmaker to the Oscar-winning As Good as It Gets.
Director Tim Fehlbaum's new film September 5 is centered on how the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre changed the way media outlets cover major global stories, especially those involving acts of terror.